


We provide pupils with a comprehensive English program, which includes speaking and listening, reading and writing.
We aim to develop pupils’ abilities to communicate effectively in speech and writing, and to listen with understanding. We encourage them to be enthusiastic, responsive and knowledgeable readers.

Speaking and Listening skills are developed in the following ways: By improving their standard English vocabulary and grammar ; by teaching pupils to formulate, clarify and express ideas, to adapt their speech according to the demands of the situation, and to listen, understand and respond appropriately to others. Pupils are encouraged to express themselves confidently and clearly, organise what they want to say, and to use vocabulary and syntax that enables the communication of more complex meanings. Pupils are taught to listen, recall and re-present important features of an argument, talk, presentation, reading, radio or television programme.

Reading is taught in a variety of ways; phonic, graphic, word recognition and the use of grammatical knowledge. Pupils are taught to read accurately, fluently and with understanding. They are able to make use of our library of fiction and non-fiction books.

In writing, pupils are taught compositional and presentation skills. They are taught how to develop ideas and communicate meaning, use an extensive vocabulary and effective style, organise and structure sentences grammatically, spell and use punctuation correctly, develop legible handwriting, use a dictionary and thesaurus. Pupils apply their knowledge of the language through comprehension exercises and writing in all its forms (creative, argumentative and narrative writing, poems, scripts, diaries, reports, letters and news articles, book reviews and project work)


Please contact us for more info.

